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When you were growing up, were you taught to always put a coaster underneath your cup before placing it on a wooden surface? Maybe you have even had one or two scoldings, when you absent-mindedly placed your ice-cold pop, or steaming hot chocolate, down on a coffee table without a napkin underneath?

At Conversations Café, we see these rings as marks of achievement! They are the result of good conversations, family celebrations, old friends reuniting, and new friends being made.

They are the artwork of our community, who have gathered, connected, and supported the community’s youth with every meal they’ve purchased…and we wear them proudly!

Like the marks on our walls at home that measure the heights of our growing children, the mug marks on our tables tell a story too. When we look at them, we think of all the people we have been privileged to meet and serve­–the relationships that have been strengthened over coffee and conversation, the dreams that have been shared, and the regular coffee dates that are the bright part of your week. We are grateful that you choose to start your conversations at Conversations Café, and we’d really like to say: thank you for leaving your mark!

We think they're beautiful!



